What to Do After You Lose Your Job and How Nextaff Can Help

Have you lost your job or been a part of a corporate layoff? Losing your job can send you into a spiral of emotions, but sometimes it pays to pick yourself up and dust yourself off to keep going. If you’ve recently lost your job, contacting a staffing provider like Nextstaff can be the best investment of time and effort you make.

Here’s why.

Update Your Resume

Now is the perfect time to review and update your resume. Consider your accomplishments while on the job and add those to your experience. The longer you wait to update your resume, the harder it will be to remember these important details. Nextaff can help you frame your previous experience to showcase your accomplishments to potential employers.


Review Your Skills

You may also want to take inventory of your skills. If you’ve been in a position for a while, you may not have updated skills training that could help you land your next job. Nextaff can get you started on the right path by testing your current skill levels. Once you know where you are with the skills common in your industry, you can fill in the gaps with online or self-guided learning.


Accept Temporary Assignments

Taking a little time off after losing a job is okay, but you don’t want to miss out on opportunities. Taking short-term or temporary assignments is a great way to continue using your skills and earn income while you search for your next career move. Sometimes, temporary positions turn into full-time jobs, so it doesn’t hurt to get yourself out there.


Have Someone in Your Corner

Having someone in your corner is the best advantage of working with a recruiter at Nextaff to help you find your next job. They have the attention of their client companies, and when presenting a resume, they will be able to sell your skills and background to the hiring manager. This can help you land jobs you may not have had access to without their help.


Are you ready to apply with us? Contact the team at Nextaff today.


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