8 Tips to Land Nursing Jobs in Des Moines Iowa

Finding the right nursing jobs in Des Moines Iowa can seem intimidating and overwhelming. Knowing where to look, how to draft a persuasive resume, and what an interview will look like can fill you with anxiety. Being prepared for your search will help you land the perfect job. So, before you google “RN agency jobs near me,” continue reading.

1. Draft the Perfect Resume

Your nursing resume must include all your relevant education, awards, licensing credentials, and professional affiliations you have acquired. Additionally, summarize your career objective; optimize it to include keywords used in the job listing or description. If they run your resume through screening software, you’ll want to be as close to that job description (without copying and pasting) as possible. Your resume and cover letter are a potential employer’s first experience with you and should be as professional, polished, and optimized as possible.

Finding the right nursing jobs in Des Moines Iowa will depend on a great resume. A staffing agency in Iowa can help you clean up your resume and utilize industry-specific keywords you may have yet to consider.

2. Network, Network, Network

Often, when looking for a job, it isn’t about what you know as much as whom you know. We’ve all heard this saying, and in today’s economy, it couldn’t be more accurate. Networking can include old professors, preceptors, hospital staff, and any nurses you could meet along the way. You never know who could have the inside track on nursing jobs in Des Moines Iowa. Working with a staffing agency gives you the benefit of a professional network that has been built for, sometimes, decades. Recruiters have built relationships with professionals and businesses across the nation.

3. Market Yourself

When you’re trying to get nursing jobs in Des Moines Iowa, don’t be afraid to brag about yourself. This is where your experience in a particular skill or niche will help you stand out. Promote yourself on social media sites and in industry-specific forums. Ask colleagues or mentors to endorse you or provide a reference on a resume. This kind of self-promotion can be invaluable.

Marketing becomes their job when you work with a staffing agency in Iowa. They know what companies are looking for and can put you in line for the job that best matches your skills and experience. And, because they have business relationships with hiring managers and HR coordinators, they can speak with them specifically about you. Invaluable.

4. Start a Professional Social Media Profile

Creating professional social media profiles is becoming more critical than ever before. Did you know that 92% of employers check the social media profiles of potential candidates, and 54% eliminate a candidate based on their social media research? This also lets you promote yourself and let hiring managers know you’re open to new nursing jobs in Des Moines, Iowa. Again, market yourself!

5. Connect on Chat Forums

Nursing forums and chat rooms dedicated to nurses are great places to meet people who could help you find a job. If nothing else, it helps widen your network and get advice on employers and organizations whose values and goals align with yours. Forums are also great places to get tips on interviewing with specific employers. With a worldwide reach, chat rooms and nursing forums allow you to show your dedication to nursing and possibly even help answer questions from other nurses.

6. Ace the Interview

Prepping for your interview likely causes large amounts of stress and anxiety. Look up possible interview questions and practice your answers. In addition to your training and niche skills, be sure to show other important traits like communication, empathy, a sense of humor, and honesty in the interview. We’ve all heard the saying, “You only have seven seconds to make a strong first impression.” This is still true today.

When you work with a staffing agency in Iowa, part of their job is helping to prepare you for any eventuality in an interview. This includes preparing possible questions and helping you answer them thoughtfully and persuasively.

7. Make a Positive 1st Impression

First impressions are vital to landing good nursing jobs in Des Moines Iowa. Ensure you dress appropriately, arrive at your interview on time, and be prepared with all required documentation and an extra resume. Natural eye contact and non-verbal cues can speak louder than words.

Recruiters at a staffing agency in Iowa can provide guidance to proper interview skills and have insider knowledge of the kind of people businesses are looking for.

8. Follow Up

Lastly, always follow up with hiring managers following your interview. This helps to keep you at the forefront of their minds and can give you an edge over the competition. Partnering with a staffing agency in Iowa usually means they do the follow-up with hiring managers. This allows them to discuss your good points and any issues HR may have had with your interview, allowing you to better fine-tune your interviewing skills.

Choose Nextaff for the Best Nursing Jobs in Des Moines Iowa

Nextaff is the #1 staffing agency in Iowa. Finding the right nursing jobs in Des Moines Iowa doesn’t have to be complicated. Get higher pay, more flexible hours, and benefits from day one when you work with us. Here are a few of the perks of working with Nextaff:

  • Weekly pay
  • Flexible schedules
  • N>Gage mobile app
  • Benefits available from day 1
  • Guidance throughout the job search process
  • Opportunity to expand your skills
  • Temporary and direct hire placements
  • Apply online at one location for multiple jobs

We get to know you face-to-face. We want to know your career goals, desired work-life balance, and any struggles you may be experiencing so we can better fit you to the right nursing jobs in Des Moines Iowa. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

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