Four Surefire Ways to Never Find the Right Employee

Finding the right person for a role  within your company is crucial to the success of your organization. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to do.  In fact, if you do not find the right person on the first try, you will lose significant money when it comes to replacing that poor-fit. Think about it. You invest so much money in training someone only to have to train someone else  a few months later. And during training, it’s takes two or more people to do only half the job, so productivity is greatly reduced. If you often find yourself in this position, you might be doing these four things to sabotage your search for that quality employee.

Lacking Specificity

Unfortunately, companies are often vague when it comes to job descriptions. If you are not specific about what you want from your candidates, you are likely to get a lot of unqualified applicants. Additionally, the perfect candidate might avoid applying for the position because they aren’t getting enough information about the role.

Giving Unstructured Interviews

When you give a structured interview, you are giving all your candidates a level playing field. You ask the same pointed questions, in the same order, so you can easily compare answers. With unstructured interviews, the interviewer might ask generic questions or phrase questions inconsistently between candidates which can unintentionally put some candidates at an advantage over other qualified ones. Being unstructured can also allow for more of a bias in judgement. Afterall, the candidate who shares your love of college football doesn’t necessarily have what it takes to really fulfill the role you have.

Ignoring Red Flags

On paper a candidate might seem perfect, but as you start to talk to them you may notice red flags. For example, they might say they are not a team player, or imply that your company is just a short stop on their career path. They could even hint at trouble with the law or indicate they are not good with money. When it comes to business, it is important to acknowledge these red flags in your potential workforce. If your position requires teamwork, is a crucial role in which longevity is important, and has them handling company credit cards, the aforementioned candidate should not even be in consideration.

Hiring the First “Okay” Candidate

In the quest to fill positions, hiring managers sometimes get tired of the process. As a result, they settle on a candidate who isn’t quite what the company needs, and jut hoping things will work out. While the role was technically filled and training underway, this candidate-turned-employee will likely underperform across the board and cost you more time and money in the long run. It is likely they will never be a good fit for the position and you may find yourself needing a replacement and having to start the process over again. Instead, take the time to hire the right candidate the first time. Though it may take a little longer than settling on the “okay” candidate, it will save you from having to enter the process multiple times and save on productivity.

Of course, finding quality talent takes experience. If you need help finding the right person or people for your company, contact us. Be sure to also download our free whitepaper on “Perfecting the Perfect Hire.”

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