Is a Suit Still Necessary for a Job Interview?

A job interview can be a scary thing. How do you know what to say to impress the interviewer and land the job? But a first impression goes way beyond your talking points. Are suits still necessary for job interviews? There are a few ways to approach your clothes when you’re meeting with a hiring […]

Keeping Your Team Up-To-Date on Safety Procedures

Safety is a practice, which means you regularly have to review and update your training process. Keeping your team safe is all about keeping up to date on safety procedures. If you want to prevent workplace accidents, here are a few tips to help you improve safety training and continuous reinforcement with your team.   Prioritize Safety   […]

5 Signs It’s Time to Grow Your Team

When do you need to add more people to your team? The answer isn’t as simple as growing your business or replacing people who leave. There are many other signs you should look at to determine when you should bring on more employees. Here are the top 5 signs it’s time to grow your team. […]

6 Effective Team-Building Tips for Managers

Team-building is an integral part of success in the workplace. But every manager has a different idea about effective team-building processes. You may host annual events, encourage ice breakers, and even take retreats. But not everyone loves these activities, and with COVID-19 changing the way we handle groups, you may need to have more creative […]

What Is Workplace Wellness?

Wellness has been a major topic in employment for several years. Throughout 2020, with additional consideration for health and safety, many companies began revisiting the concepts. Stress and anxiety impact physical health and the workplace can and does contribute to these situations. Companies offering wellness as a part of their culture can improve the lives of their employees dramatically. Here is a closer […]

Is the 40 Hour Workweek Still Relevant?

2020 changed the way people interact with the workplace. As many people transitioned from the office to working from home, some businesses also began to reexamine the length of the workday and workweek. Is a 40-hour workweek still relevant? What are companies considering as an alternative? How can this affect you moving forward? Let’s take a closer […]

Staffing Industry Leader NEXTAFF Brings Proven Success to Phoenix

PHOENIX – NEXTAFF, an industry leader in providing quality talent for businesses, announced the opening of a new staffing agency location today in Phoenix. The Phoenix office is co-owned and operated by John Snellings and serves Phoenix and the surrounding counties. The office will focus on caregiver and nurse staffing for long-term care and other […]

Bringing Out the Best from Your Quiet Employees

Being shy isn’t a personality flaw. Your introverted employees don’t need to become more extroverted to be valued on your team. But you may have to determine new strategies to bring out the best input and productivity from your quietest employees. Before you throw in the towel on your introverted team members, consider these tips to work […]

Nationwide Staffing Firm NEXTAFF Adds Denver Office

DENVER – NEXTAFF, an industry leader in providing quality talent for businesses, announced the opening of a new staffing agency location today in Denver. The Denver office is co-owned and operated by John Snellings and Dane LaRiviere and will serve Denver and the mountain region. The office will focus on caregiver and nurse staffing for […]

Should I Hire Seasoned Workers? – 3 Benefits of Looking at a Diverse Workforce

There has long been this idea that hiring younger workers was the ultimate goal for businesses. There were a lot of reasons for this: lower salaries, more trainable, and less potential turnover. But various industries have thrived with a much more seasoned workforce. And hiring workers with a lot more life experience under their belt […]

Meet Cary...

When it comes to operating a staffing firm, Cary has worn every hat.  From recruiting, to sales, to management, to ownership, he has been involved in every aspect of running a successful staffing business.  He has successfully led three separate companies to the Inc. 500 and Inc. 5000 lists, which puts him in an elite class of staffing entrepreneurship.  Combining that experience with a strong passion for entrepreneurs makes Cary an ideal leader for driving the Nextaff vision. 

Describe yourself in three words.

Loyal, Driven, Creative

Is there a mantra or affirmation you live by?

Do what you said you were going to do.

Do you have a celebrity doppelganger?

Back in the day, it was John Cusak.  “I want my two dollars!”