Tips on Becoming a Productive Remote Employee

Tips on Becoming a Productive Remote Employee

Remote work is becoming quite normal since the pandemic shut companies down and forced employers to consider work-from-home arrangements. Many businesses haven’t, and won’t, go back to the office as workers demonstrated that remote work could be just as productive as working in the office.

If you’re in the market for a new job and considering remote opportunities, here are some tips on becoming a more productive remote employee.


Without direct supervision, it’s crucial that you can motivate yourself every day. You’ll need to be committed to starting work on time every day, be willing to take the initiative on many of your projects, and remain accountable. Communicate regularly with your team and your supervisor so everyone is on the same page, even if work is asynchronous.

Tech Savvy

Working from home also means working with technology that enables remote capabilities. Your company may provide you with the hardware you’ll need, such as a laptop, but you’ll need to be savvy about using both hardware and software. Get used to collaborative platforms like Asana or Trello and video conferences like Zoom or Teams.

Time Management

One of the biggest concerns for companies that did not readily embrace work-from-home was employee productivity. If they can’t see the employee, they feel the employee won’t be effective. This is proven to be a misconception, and many people are just as productive, if not more, at home. But you’ll need to demonstrate effective time management to continue to show that you’re trustworthy enough to manage yourself.


When people aren’t in a shared space, communication becomes more critical than ever. Letting your team and your supervisor know about concerns or situations immediately will be essential for work-from-home to be successful. Be proficient at video conferences, telephone calls, texts, and emails to keep the communication chain going.

Eliminate Distractions

To truly get the best performance from yourself while working from home, eliminate distractions. If you have a dedicated office space, that’s ideal. If not, be sure that others in the house know when you are working and can’t be disturbed. This includes children and pets. Make it clear that you’re working, not just spending time at home.


Are you looking for your next opportunity? Contact the team at Nextaff to see what we’re working on today.


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