What to Avoid Doing When Starting a New Job

Starting a new job is an opportunity for success. But often, we bring habits with us that are better left behind. When starting a new job, there are a few things to consider and avoid to ensure that you’re going to be at the top of your game. Before your first day, here are the things you should avoid to get off to a great start.

Don’t Make Assumptions

Do you know the adage about assumptions? Well, it’s true. When you make assumptions, you’re putting yourself in a position to misunderstand. Instead, make sure you’re regularly clarifying information. If you don’t, you could make a big mistake that would be difficult to recover from even in the first days of your job.

Accept Offers for Help

The workplace should be collaborative. When you stubbornly go it alone, you might isolate yourself. Be open when someone in your new job offers to help. You can learn a lot about the work, how your coworkers work together, and how your company culture has evolved. Allowing others to help will also put you in a good position when you offer to help down the road.

Don’t Keep to Yourself

This advice is excellent for introverts or shy employees. You might struggle with social engagement, but don’t keep to yourself in your new job. If you don’t get to know the people you work with, you are likely to become isolated, reflecting poorly on yourself in the future. Take time to get to know the people who work with you.

Don’t Complain About Your Last Job

Positive energy does go a long way. More importantly, you need to focus on your current position and leave the past in the past. New employees who spend all their time complaining about their previous coworkers, boss, or job will be branded as difficult. Your company may begin to wonder if you’ll leave them as well and do the same thing at your next opportunity.

Don’t Be Too Stubborn

Every company has ways of doing things. And even if you know that your method is efficient and effective, give their system a try. You can learn a thing or two, or it can put you in the position of improving processes in the future. But if you’re too stubborn, you may get a reputation as someone difficult to work with, which could be a huge problem.

Do you want to have a great first day? NEXTAFF is on your side!

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